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STEWARDSHIP: Host community monarchs laud plant director’s leadership role

Prominent Traditional rulers from Dangote Cement Ibese host communities have commended the leadership ingenuity of the outgoing Plant Director, Azad Nawabuddin saying his pleasant personality has boosted the cordial relationship between the cement company and the host communities.

It was a moment of accolades for Mr Nawabuddin, during a send forth ceremony organized for him by the Ibese Plant to bid him farewell to Obajana where he has been transferred, as the monarchs one after the other took turn to shower encomiums on him.

The Aboro of Ibeseland, Oba Rotimi Mulero described the erstwhile Plant Director as a bridge builder whose leadership and administrative style has influenced better collaborations between the host communities and the Dangote Cement in so many areas.

He said the communities witnessed good projects and enjoyed employment enhancing empowerment programmes during the time of Nawabuddin as the Plant Director and would have wished he stayed longer. “Nevertheless, we are happy that the company management recognized his worth and has decided to second him to a bigger plant after all, the reward for hard work is more work.”

In his own remark, the Olu of Aga Olowo, Oba Kayode Adio Kusoro, said the relationship between the host communities and the Dangote Cement, Ibese has never been more cordial than during the tenure of Mr. Nawabuddin as the Plant Director and that his disposition to the community issues has been very commendable.

“The Plant Director is a good man. He listens to us. He is always concerned whenever we have issues to sort out. And that is why he has also enjoyed our cooperations, the communities, the youths, the women and the royal fathers.”, Olu of Aga Olowo stated.

Amidst applause form the staff and the invited guests, the Head, Social Performance, Ibese Plant, Mr. Ade Ojolowo as part of gestures to eulogize the former Ibese Plant Director and described his administration as very eventful while reeling out some milestones that characterized the stay of Mr. Nawabuddin as the head of the cement plant.

Said he: permit me to share with this gathering, some of the key indicators of the outstanding performance of Mr. Nawabuddin Azad in the course of his leadership of this Plant. His time marked an Increase in Ibese Plant Kilns’ Mean Time Before Failure(MTBF) and reduction in production downtime:  Ibese Plant’s Year End average Kilns MTBF was between 181 to 200 minutes until Mr. Azad became the Plant Director. He introduced the use of Asonic Horns and ID fans tipping in all the four Lines to get to the current level of between 580 to 600 minutes. This is over 90% above the budgeted figure of 300 minutes, and has led to significant reduction in production downtime.

“Production volume and dispatch increase: The Plant also witnessed increase in cement production volume from about 6.7 million tons in 2018 to about 7.9 million tons and increase in Cement Dispatch to about 8.0 million tons under the leadership of Mr. Azad.

“In-house refurbishment of Rollers and attendant Forex Savings: DCP used to procure Raw Mills & Cement Mills Roller assemblies for replacement from overseas before Mr. Azad joined Ibese as PD. Procurement of these roller assemblies was stopped through his ingenuity, and in-house refurbishment of the old rollers commenced. This has been successfully implemented till date, with savings of over 500,000 Euros so far.

“Championing of Alternative Fuels Project: ⁠ Ibese Plant is at the forefront of the DCP’s vision to get into International carbon trading after benchmarking its carbon footprint. Thanks to the introduction of the Alternative Fuels Project, which also has led to the stoppage of importation of expensive & high CO2 emission factor, coal. Agro-waste usage and substitution of coal saved  the company 2.77 million USD and 17.3 million USD in the year 2022 and 2023 respectively, and the saving is expected to go higher in 2024 due to the just completed AF projects in all the four lines.

“As a friend of the community, Mr. Azad’s passion for the local communities as critical stakeholders to the Plant is outstanding. Our modest achievements in Social Performance in the last couple of years has been through his personal values and commitment, which has yielded unhindered support and collaboration.

“We have been able to record some firsts in our intervention programmes, including the Annual community day event; Women empowerment programme; Care for the elders, and Support for the vulnerable during festive periods etc. It is also to his adulation that we have recorded improved social investment delivery, improved relationship with key government functionaries, and overall local content development.”



July 20, 2023
Lagos, Nigeria


Dangote Cement Plc (“DCP” or the “Company”) hereby announces the completion of the first tranche (“Tranche I”) of its share buy-back programme which was announced on 7 July, 2023.

Relevant details of this Tranche I are set forth below:



Commencement Date:Monday, 17July, 2023
Completion Date:Tuesday, 18 July, 2023
Mode:Open Market on Nigerian Exchange Limited
Total Number of Shares Repurchased:N41,155,703,818.10
Average Price:N339.00


Following the conclusion of Tranche I, the total number of issued and fully paid outstanding shares of DCP amounts to 16,752,154,537.

The repurchased shares will be held as treasury shares and may subsequently be cancelled. Execution of this Tranche I did not have any material impact on the Company’s financial position.

For more information, please contact:
Temilade Aduroja
Head, Investor Relations
+234 915 469 1597

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July 7, 2023
Lagos, Nigeria


Dangote Cement Plc (“Dangote Cement” or “DCP” or the “Company”) hereby announces the commencement of the first tranche (“Tranche I”) of its newly established share buy-back programme (the “Share Buy-Back Programme” or the “Programme”).

Tranche I will be executed under the approval granted by the Company’s shareholders at the Extraordinary General Meeting of DCP which held on 13 December 2022. Within the framework provided under Section 186 (c) of the Companies and Allied Matters Act, No. 3 of 2020 (as amended) (“CAMA”) and Rule 398 (3)(xiv) of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (“SEC”) Rules and Regulations, 2013 (as amended from time to time) and in accordance with Rule 13.18 of the Rulebook of the Nigerian Exchange Limited (“NGX”), 2015. Based on the aforementioned shareholders’ approval, the number of shares to be repurchased under the Share Buy-Back Programme will not exceed 10% of DCP’s issued capital.

The Programme is being effected in tranches, with Tranche I being executed by the appointed stockbrokers on the Company’s behalf.

Relevant details of this Tranche I are set forth below:

Tranche Number:Tranche I
Current Issued and Fully Paid-Up Shares*:16,873,559,251 fully paid-up ordinary shares of 50 Kobo each (excluding treasury shares)
Tranche Size:Up to 168,735,593 fully paid-up ordinary shares of 50 Kobo each, representing 1% of the entire current issued shares
Commencement Date:Monday, 17 July 2023
Completion Date:Tuesday, 18 July 2023, or when the entire Tranche I size has been purchased; whichever is earlier
Duration:Two (2) trading days
Mode/Exchange:Open Market on the NGX
Tranche Number:Tranche I

*This excludes 166,948,153 shares held as treasury shares, following the conclusion of Tranche I and II of the Company’s previous Share Buyback Programme.

The Company through its appointed Stockbrokers, will at its discretion purchase DCP’s shares in the open market over the duration of Tranche I, subject to prevailing market conditions and under the current daily trading rules of the NGX. DCP would however, not be under any obligation whatsoever to purchase any or all of the DCP shares put on offer over the duration of Tranche I.

The shares being bought back by the Company under the Share Buy-Back Programme will be held as treasury shares, as permissible under CAMA. Execution of this Tranche I is not expected to have any material impact on the Company’s financial position.

Dangote Cement shareholders seeking to participate in Tranche I of the Share Buy-Back Programme are hereby advised to contact their stockbrokers or any other independent professional adviser registered as a capital market operator by the SEC for further guidance on the submission of trades on the NGX’s trading platform.

DCP will provide weekly updates on the progress of Tranche I of the Programme on its website over the duration of this tranche. The Company will continue to monitor the evolving business environment and market conditions, in making decisions on subsequent tranches of the Share Buy-Back Programme.

Shareholders and investors are advised to exercise caution when dealing in the securities of Dangote Cement until the completion of Tranche I of the Share Buy-Back Programme. An announcement will be published upon completion of Tranche I of the Programme.

For more information, please contact:
Temilade Aduroja
Head, Investor Relations
+234 915 469 1597

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Lagos, Nigeria
December 14, 2022


This is to inform the Nigerian Exchange Limited (“Exchange”) and the Public, that the Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) of Dangote Cement Plc (“the Company”) was held at Eko Hotel and Suites, Plot 1415 Adetokunbo Ademola Street, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria on Tuesday, the 13th day of December 2022 at 11:00 am (WAT) prompt and the following sub-joined resolutions set out in the Notice of Meeting were put to the shareholders and duly passed as special resolution:

(A) That, the Company be and is hereby authorized to undertake a share buyback of up to 10% of its issued shares as of the date of this resolution (excluding any treasury shares in the Company’s share capital), on such terms and conditions, in such volumes and at such times as the Board of Directors (“Board”) deems fit, provided that the authority granted herein shall continue to be in force until the Company has acquired up to an aggregate 10%  of its issued shares as stated above.

(B) That, unless otherwise required under applicable laws and regulations or directed by the appropriate regulatory authorities, the Company may cancel such number of issued shares repurchased pursuant to the share buyback or otherwise held by the Company in its issued share capital, as confirmed by the Company’s registrar, and to diminish the amounts of its share capital by the amount of the shares so cancelled, in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.

(C) That, the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company be amended (as applicable), upon completion of the share buyback, to reflect the Company’s share capital, following the cancellation (if any) of the shares acquired and/or otherwise held by the Company.

(D) That, the Board be and is hereby authorised to do all such acts and deeds as well as take all such steps (including but not limited to executing such agreements and documents, appoint professional advisers and other parties, complying with directives of any regulatory authority) which may be incidental, ancillary, supplemental, or otherwise necessary to give full effect to the above resolutions and for the aforesaid purpose, on behalf of the Company.

Yours faithfully,

Edward Imoedemhe
Acting Company Secretary

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Dangote Cement’s CDP Climate Rating Upgraded to B

December 14, 2022

Dangote Cement’s CDP Climate Rating Upgraded to B

Dangote Cement Plc (DANGCEM-NL), Africa’s largest cement producer, is pleased to announce that CDP has raised its rating from B- to B for the Company’s commitment to climate change. The rating upgrade indicates that Dangote Cement has addressed the environmental impact of its business and ensures good environmental management. This upgrade demonstrates the continued efforts made by the Company to increase its levels of non-financial disclosure and improve its sustainability reporting.

This year, for the fourth time, Dangote Cement submitted to the CDP, one of the world’s leading research groups focused on climate change. Dangote Cement has received two consecutive rating upgrades over the past two years and in addition to the rating upgrade, Dangote Cement is a CDP supporter.

Commenting on the announcement, Michel Puchercos, Chief Executive Officer, said:

“We are pleased to be recognised again for the progress we are making in our environmental disclosures and sustainability. The CDP rating upgrade clearly illustrates the growth we have achieved in our commitment to transparency on climate and environmental issues. This year, our Alternative Fuel Project has reached an advanced stage and aims to leverage waste management solutions and reduce CO2 emissions. As at 9M 2022, we co-processed 101,553 tonnes of waste representing a 77% increase over last year.

We understand the impact of social and environmental factors on our operating environment and believe that measuring and reporting our activities transparently and consistently is a crucial component in transforming our ecosystem. At Dangote Cement, we will continue to take coordinated steps towards transparency on environmental issues.”

Enquiries: Email InvestorRelationsDangoteCement@dangote.com


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November 22, 2022
Lagos, Nigeria


Dangote Cement Plc. is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Edward Imoedemhe as the Acting Company Secretary/General Counsel of Dangote Cement Plc., effective November 21, 2022. The appointment follows the exit of the erstwhile Company Secretary/General Counsel, Mr. Mahmud Kazaure.

Mr. Edward Imoedemhe was the Deputy Company Secretary/Legal Adviser of Dangote Cement Plc (DCP), a position he has held since June 29, 2018, until his recent appointment. He joined SCP in May 2013 and has recorded over 24 years of post-call experience.

He has a Master’s degree in Maritime and Commercial Law Practice. He is a Chartered Secretary, Chartered Arbitrator, and member of Society of Corporate Governance. His experience as a company secretary/head legal spans corporate and company secretarial practice, administration of corporate affairs, contract management and international commercial transaction, and dispute resolution/litigation in the telecommunications, oil & gas and shipping sectors, among others.

Michel Puchercos
GMD/CEO, Dangote Cement Plc

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Notice of Extra-Ordinary General Meeting



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to every member of Dangote Cement PLC (the “Company”), in accordance with Section 239 (1) and 243 (1) of the Companies and Allied Matters Act 2020 (as amended), that the Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) of the Company will be held at Zinna Hall, Eko Hotel and Suites, Plot 1415 Adetokunbo Ademola Street, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria on Tuesday, the 13th day of December 2022 at 11:00 am (WAT) prompt, for the purpose of transacting the following:


1. To consider and if thought fit, pass the following sub-joined resolutions as a Special Resolution of the Company:

(a) That, the Company be and is hereby authorized to undertake a share buy back of up to 10% of its issued shares as of the date of this resolution (excluding any treasury shares in the Company’s share capital), on such terms and conditions, in such volumes and at such times as the Board of Directors (“Board”) deems fit, provided that the authority granted herein shall continue to be in force until the Company has acquired up to an aggregate 10%  of its issued shares as stated above.

(b)That, unless otherwise required under applicable laws and regulations or directed by the appropriate regulatory authorities, the Company may cancel such number of issued shares repurchased pursuant to the share buy back or otherwise held by the Company in its issued share capital, as confirmed by the Company’s registrar, and to diminish the amounts of its share capital by the amount of the shares so cancelled, in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.

(c) That, the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company be amended (as applicable), upon completion of the share buy back, to reflect the Company’s share capital, following the cancellation (if any) of the shares acquired and/or otherwise held by the Company.

(d) That, the Board be and is hereby authorised to do all such acts and deeds as well as take all such steps (including but not limited to executing such agreements and documents, appoint professional advisers and other parties, complying with directives of any regulatory authority) which may be incidental, ancillary, supplemental, or otherwise necessary to give full effect to the above resolutions and for the aforesaid purpose, on behalf of the Company.


Pursuant to Section 184 of the Companies and Allied Matters Act, 2020 (“CAMA”) and Rule 398 of the Securities and Exchange Commission Consolidated Rules and Regulations, 2013 (as amended) (“SEC Rules”), the Company intends to undergo a Share Buy Back Programme in respect of up to 10% of its issued shares (excluding the treasury shares) (the “Programme”), which is in line with the Company’s corporate strategy to, inter alia, improve the Company’s Return on Equity and shareholder value in order to facilitate future long term growth. The relevant shares will be repurchased out of the profits of the Company and any such number of shares bought under the Programme may be held by the Company as treasury shares in accordance with the provisions of CAMA, which must not be more than 15% of the Company’s issued share capital, or be cancelled in accordance with the SEC Rules and the Nigerian Exchange Limited’s Rulebook 2015 (“NGX Rulebook”), subject to complying with the procedure set out in CAMA, which will consequently lead to a reduction in issued share capital.

In light of the above, the Company has convened an EGM to consider, and if thought fit, approve the Programme and all matters incidental thereto.

The Explanatory Statement on the Share Buy Back Programme dated November 18, 2022, which contains all information reasonably necessary to enable each shareholder make an informed decision on whether to vote for or against the Programme is enclosed with this notice of meeting. A member entitled to attend the meeting who does not receive a copy of the Explanatory Statement within 14 days of the date of this notice can obtain copies of same at the office of the Company’s Registrars, Coronation Registrars Limited, at Plot 009, Amodu Ojikutu Street, off Adeola Odeku Street, Victoria Island, Lagos


In accordance with Rule 13.18(f) of the NGX Rulebook, the Explanatory Statement is also available on the Company’s website. To access the Explanatory Statement, kindly copy this link -http://www.dangotecement.com/investor-relations/ unto a secure internet browser.

By Order of the Board of Directors.

Edward Imoedemhe
(Deputy Company Secretary)


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Dangote Cement Plc Announces Unaudited Results For Nine Months Ended 30th September 2022

Group revenue up 15.2% at ₦1,177.3B      

Nigeria EBITDA up 4.5% at ₦479.9B, despite heightened inflation

Significant increase in energy and distribution cost


Lagos, 28th October 2022: Dangote Cement PLC (DANGCEM-NL), Africa’s largest cement producer, announces unaudited results for the nine months ended 30th September 2022.

Financial Highlights

  • Group revenue up 15.2% to ₦1,177.3B
  • Group EBITDA up 0.2% to ₦515.9B; 43.8% margin
  • Nigeria EBITDA up 4.5% to ₦479.9B; 53.9% margin
  • Profit after tax down 23.4% to ₦213.1B; mainly due to exchange losses from the depreciation in the CFA and Ghana Cede
  • Net debt of ₦466.8B; net gearing of 55.7%

Operating Highlights

  • Group sales volumes down 6.2% to 20.8Mt
  • Nigeria volumes down 4.7% to 13.5Mt
  • The National Consumer Promotion improved market share in the quarter
  • Okpella power plant commissioned in August

ESG Highlight 

  • Co-processed 102Kt of waste YTD, a 77% increase over 2021
  • Thermal substitution rate is estimated at 3.8% as at 9M 2021 vs. 2.3% in 2021.

Michel Puchercos, Group Chief Executive Officer, said:

Despite the elevated inflation due to a very volatile global environment, we have made strides in 2022. We recorded increases in revenue and EBITDA that drove strong cash generation across the Group. We recorded revenue of ₦1,177.3B, up 15.2% compared to last year and Group EBITDA of ₦515.9B, up 0.2% with an EBITDA margin of 43.8%.  

To mitigate the impact of significant increase in energy and AGO costs, we are strengthening our efforts to ramp up the usage of alternative fuels. So far this year, we co-processed 101,553 tonnes of waste representing a 77% increase over 9M 2021. We are on track to commission our Alternative Fuel feed system at Obajana lines I and V; and Ibese line II in November. In addition, we are ramping up our investment in Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), to reduce our AGO usage.

To drive consumer engagement and support demand during the rainy season; we commenced the 3rd season of our National Consumer Promotion – “Bag of Goodies 3”. So far, the National Consumer Promotion has made 190 millionaires and multimillionaires across all States in Nigeria. On the operational side, we have commissioned our power plant at Okpella and are progressing well to deploy grinding plants in Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire.

Our business model remains robust, thanks to the prudent and flexible approach we have taken across our operations. Our continuous focus on efficiency, meeting market demand and maintaining our costs leadership drives our ability to consistently deliver value to all shareholders.

About Dangote Cement

Dangote Cement is Africa’s leading cement producer with nearly 51.6Mta capacity across Africa. A fully integrated quarry-to-customer producer, we have a production capacity of 35.25Mta in our home market, Nigeria. Our Obajana plant in Kogi state, Nigeria, is the largest in Africa with 16.25Mta of capacity across five lines; our Ibese plant in Ogun State has four cement lines with a combined installed capacity of 12Mta; our Gboko plant in Benue state has 4Mta; and our Okpella plant in Edo state has 3Mta. Through our recent investments, Dangote Cement has eliminated Nigeria’s dependence on imported cement and has transformed the nation into an exporter of cement serving neighbouring countries.         

In addition, we have operations in Cameroon (1.5Mta clinker grinding), Congo (1.5Mta), Ghana (1.5Mta import), Ethiopia (2.5Mta), Senegal (1.5Mta), Sierra Leone (0.5Mta import), South Africa (2.8Mta), Tanzania (3.0Mta), Zambia (1.5Mta).     

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Update on Obajana Cement Plant

October 18, 2022
Lagos, Nigeria

Update on Obajana Cement Plant

Dangote Cement Plc (DANGCEM-NL), Africa’s largest cement producer, wishes to notify stakeholders that our 16.25Mt Obajana Cement plant re-opened on Friday, 7 October, 2022, with suboptimal operations.

It became fully operational from Friday, 14 October, 2022, when the Federal Government ordered the full re-opening of the plant. Production at the Obajana Cement plant is now running at optimal levels.

The dispute between the two parties, Dangote Industries Limited and Kogi State Government is being resolved.

We extend our appreciation to all our shareholders and stakeholders who have remained patient with us throughout this incident. We remain committed to promoting inclusive economic growth while supporting the development of communities in which we operate.

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